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Arizona Quilters Guild

Committed to educating the public and our members about the place quilts hold in our lives, hearts, and history.

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Sundown Quilters

Women’s Center: 8335 W. Jefferson Street, Peoria, Arizona

Looking for friendly, caring and welcoming group of quilters?  Consider Sundown Quilters as the group.  We take time to continue our education and use time and talent to create beautiful, useful items for those in need within our community.  The group is about 30 members that meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month.  Our current location is the Peoria Community Center Women’s building, located at 8335 W Jefferson St., Peoria, AZ.   We gather together beginning at 5:00 pm to socialize/sew and the meeting begins at 6:30pm.

Come and visit, bring a project to work on, bring your dinner, or just come to sit and chat before the meeting starts at 6:30 pm. Our regular business meeting includes member news, AQG updates, charity efforts status plus drawings for last month’s Block of the Month (BOM) demo, fat quarters plus a program. We like to stay busy and often have a variety of challenges that may include a mystery quilt, an Un-Finished-Objective (UFO) Challenge, charity and even a group challenge for the annual AQG quilt show. Each meeting ends with the much anticipated Show and Tell leaving everyone so inspired.  Additionally, once a quarter we sew together in lieu of our regular meeting. In December we switch things around and have a Christmas/holiday celebration.

Each year our members generously donate their time and supplies to our charity and community efforts. This includes making pillow cases for Ryan's Case for Smiles; quilts, pillowcases, tote bags, Christmas stockings and other items for Devereaux Arizona and Arizona Helping Hands, a foster care agency or any charity the needs support.

Sundown Quilters has a planning committee of six people that meets once a month to discuss and plan for future events. It also has four elected, Chapter Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Membership plus many other volunteer positions such as Sunshine and Hearts of Love. Sundown’s annual dues are $15.

We’d be delighted for you to visit and join us. 

AQG Purpose

Arizona Quilters Guild promotes appreciation of quilts and quilting, sponsors and support quilting activities, and furthers the growth of quilting education.

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