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Arizona Quilters Guild

Committed to educating the public and our members about the place quilts hold in our lives, hearts, and history.

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Quilt Arizona! An Introduction to Show Entry and Judging

  • Saturday, December 03, 2022
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Zoom Meeting
  • 182


  • This is offered as a membership benefit for 2022 -2023 MEMBERS
  • A daily membership to allow someone who is a non-AQG member to participate in event
  • Allows the presenter to see event and plus receive emails that are sent to attendees

Registration is closed

Quilt Arizona! An Introduction to Show Entry and Judging

Zoom lecture by

Kimberly Murray

Saturday, December 3, 2022

10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (Arizona Time)

Have you ever displayed a quilt at the annual AQG Quilt Arizona! quilt show?  

  • If you answered No - but you are interested and want to know what to expect ... then this presentation is for you.
  • If you answered Yes - but you are curious about what goes on behind the scenes before the show starts ... then you will also enjoy this presentation!


Kimm will give you a behind the scenes tour of the Quilt Arizona! Entry and Judging processes, including:

  • Why enter a judged show?
  • What to expect when you enter a judged show?
  • Who are the judges?
  • What happens in the judging room?

We will end with a Quilt Show Review highlighting a few AQG Members who have entered previous Quilt Arizona! shows.  If you are willing to share about YOUR AQG Entry Experience, please check "Yes" in the box on the registration form and Kimm will contact you.

Learn more about Kimm Murray


Only registered members will be admitted.

  • Members: log into your account on AQG's website to register for this event at no charge!
  • This event is complimentary as part of your 2022-2023 membership.
  • Public can join for nominal fee of $10

Registration ends Wednesday November 30, 2022

Registration is limited to 300

Zoom Details

  • The reminder emails will contain the ZOOM link to the event.  
  • The lecture will begin promptly at the listed start time - please join 15-30 minutes early and  ensure your full name appears in the Zoom meeting.
  •  If you are unfamiliar with ZOOM, a PDF is available under the HELP! tab for AQG Members
  • If you would prefer video training here is a link to the videos.  You should watch the FIRST TWO videos.  https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-Video-Tutorials

AQG Purpose

Arizona Quilters Guild promotes appreciation of quilts and quilting, sponsors and support quilting activities, and furthers the growth of quilting education.

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